We are fully committed to safeguarding our learners, staff and visitors and have a dedicated team of expert safeguarding staff to offer advice and support.
What does Safeguarding mean?
- Protecting from abuse and neglect
- Promoting the health and wellbeing of students, staff and visitors
- Ensuring safety and care
- Preventing discrimination and harassment
What is Prevent?
Prevent is safeguarding from the threat of terrorism. Training providers have an play an essential role in preventing vulnerable people from being involved in radicalisation.
How does Castleview Group Safeguard their learners?
We have developed processes that will support a positive outcome and create and maintain a safe learning environment. We have a designated safeguarding lead and a team of expert staff that respond to any concerns. All staff working with learners also receive up-to-date safeguarding and prevent training annually as a minimum.
What happens if you are a learner with a concern for your own safety or about the welfare of another learner?
If you have a concern around your own safety or you are concerned about the safety or welfare of another learner, please raise this with your tutor immediately. You can also raise concerns with a member of the Safeguarding team at: or
Please click the link below for our Safeguarding & Prevent Policy.